Kayak rezzer at New Port Yacht Club!, a set on Flickr.
Kayak rezzer at New Port Yacht Club!, a set on Flickr.
Users meeting to discuss recent LL Tos chamnges to Sl!, a set on Flickr.
To have an orderly conversation about the change in the Terms of Service (ToS)
you should know that
1) the entire ToS for Intellectual property is displayed in the Amphitheater.
the piece in pink is the really annoying part, especially the part I have underlined (the bottom paragraph)
2) a blue-ish internet screen set to a Harvard University article about "Moral Rights" is displayed
click on the face of the object and the selected URL should appear
you can scroll down on this, but it is difficult ... in case you have problems here is the URL:
3) a greenish internet screen is also provided with the Linden Lab SL ToS
if you have problems with it here is the URL: http://lindenlab.com/tos#tos2
4) IF YOU WISH TO "SPEAK" (use Nearby Chat) tell the moderator you wish to speak using IM
The moderator will keep a list: Moderator is Ernie Farstrider
The moderator will ask that each person limit themselves to less than 5 minutes
5) WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED "speaking" end your chat with "///" ... Do not forget to do this!
6) The moderator will eject any and all persons who seem to be deliberately misbehaving
7) At 12:05 the moderator will make some brief opening "remarks" and then give the floor to the first person (and then the next) on his speakers list.
8) OUR GOAL: to understand the situation, to agree on our interpretation, and to contemplate a next step, if necessary.
Thank you for your participation in this event.
Ernie Farstrider